There is a lot that goes into effectively managing divorce stress, from taking care of yourself to setting new boundaries to juggling all the new angles of your post-divorce life. We are here to help with lots of articles, information and tips for how to transition from a married couple to a single divorcee. Understanding what your new life will look like, and that different doesn’t necessarily mean worse will help you begin the next chapter in your life. Come browse our articles all created to give you some support and resources as you are effective managing divorce stress while creating your new life.
Getting through the holidays before your divorce - should you wait until after the holidays to tell your children and other family members?
Navigating Your First Post-Separation Holiday Season: Some tips on staying merry when you have to split the holidays with your ex
Tips for Your Divorce Agreement - Birthdays: Read about some options on how to address birthdays in your divorce agreement.
Is Your Family Making Your Divorce Conflict Worse? Divorce conflict may be inevitable, but are your family or friends making it worse?
Fall Home Maintenance During Divorce: Making a list and getting organized in the fall can help prevent overwhelm during divorce!
Dealing with High Conflict Divorce - An expert shares tips for facing a divorce from someone who is controlling and manipulative.
Calendars, Community & Communication: Single Parent Guide to Organization - Fall is an ideal time to re-evaluate your systems.
Say Yes to the Ex: How to Deal with Divorce Negotiations - Being agreeable to your ex's requests could benefit you in turn.
Could a sleep divorce prevent your marital divorce? Try some separation during sleep to bring you closer together.
9 Tips to Moving Your Precious Photos and Memories Safely - advice from a certified professional photo manager to alleviate stress of moving by safeguarding your memories
Why it is important to have a well-written separation agreement - read advice from a professional in this article
Going through a divorce is one big change after another. Making other small changes to your life during this process and beyond will ultimately help you move through this period of your life and help you get to the next better chapter.