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Divorce and Holidays – Getting Through It!

Experiencing a divorce and holidays can be stressful but today’s tips will help you manage it all with positivity.

Getting through the holidays can feel stressful, even for those in happy marriage! The combination of divorce and holidays might make this time of year feel impossible to manage. With so many traditions, gatherings, work commitments, and financial stress, you may be wondering how you’ll make it to January 1st.

Don’t worry though! I am here to share with you some tips to get through this holiday season!

1) Tell a family member, friend, colleague, or best yet a therapist/coach how you are feeling. Just having the ear of someone for you to vocalize your concerns to can be a huge help to your system.
2) Ask for help! If you typically help out with a charity, at school, or other community events, ask for support to maintain your contributions. If that’s not an option, consider taking a pause this season. Maybe this year someone else can take the reigns and you can jump back in next season when you’re feeling ready.
3) Schedule yourself some time to de-stress. If you have money to get a massage, great, go do it. If money is super tight, schedule yourself some time for a relaxing bubble bath. 30 minutes of time to yourself can make help you body and mind.
4) See your friends! Now is not the time to become a hermit. If the tradition has been to do a couples/family get-togethers, ask to do a girls-only brunch or cookie swap.
5) Create boundaries. There are going to be some people you don’t want to see and events you do not want to attend. Decide what your limitations are and stick to them.
6) Maintain the traditions that you absolutely love. If you always watch a certain movie, or like to go look at Christmas lights, do it! Divorce is the end of your marriage. It does not need to be the end of everything you have enjoyed in your life during the time you were married.
7) Make your list, and check it twice! Do not get caught up in the holiday hoopla of overspending. Instead, prioritize those who are most important to you, and make time for them this time of year.

This holiday season still has so much to offer you. Let go of whatever traditions will not serve you moving forward, and embrace the new traditions you will be making. For more great advice on managing divorce and holidays, check out these posts. Experiencing a divorce and the holiday season don’t have to work against each other – use my tips to help you make positive changes!

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