There is a lot that goes into effectively managing divorce stress, from taking care of yourself to setting new boundaries to juggling all the new angles of your post-divorce life. We are here to help with lots of articles, information and tips for how to transition from a married couple to a single divorcee. Understanding what your new life will look like, and that different doesn’t necessarily mean worse will help you begin the next chapter in your life. Come browse our articles all created to give you some support and resources as you are effective managing divorce stress while creating your new life.
Assembling your divorce team is the best thing you can do for yourself to ensure you have successful divorce outcomes! Creating your own, hand selected divorce team help you cover all your bases, give you resources without your having to dig and give you the confidence that you are moving forward with the best possible […]
Prioritizing your children of divorce during the holidays can be overwhelming and stressful. You may feel angry about your current situation, sad about the loss you’ve experienced, or both – and children of divorce during the holidays are feeling this as well. As I approach holidays, I remember a story I heard from my family […]
Come on over and get some excellent tips for back to school planning for parents after divorce that will make things easier for everyone!
Today we have six things to consider when looking at making a name change after divorce - it's a personal decision and only yours to make!
See how you can make putting on a brave face after divorce can work for you! Putting on a brave face after divorce – getting brave! – can take some time but can be done! The way I did it may not be the “best” way, or the doctor-approved way to do it, but some […]
Becoming the "man of the house" after divorce can look like whatever you want it to and this four step plan can help you determine that!
Planning and going on vacations after divorce can feel daunting - here are five tips to help you plan a great post-divorce vacation.
Social media can help you during divorce by maintaining connections, but can cause issues if not used properly.
Connect with professionals that you can build trust with and a relationship to support you through divorce and in your next chapters of life.
By creating a new normal, you can begin to have some semblance of balance in your life following divorce. Create your new normal now >
Accepting help from friends and family when going through or after a divorce can help you get and stay on top of things in your new life.
Secure Your Oxygen Mask. By taking care of yourself first, you will be better equipped to help your children deal with their own emotions.