Helping children of divorce and the family dynamic is so important to consider and be thoughtful about during divorce. Browse our ever-growing collection of articles about how to manage special occasions, how to establish consistency between homes, how to manage extended family members and more helpful information to support YOU in supporting your children after your divorce.
There is so much focus on and concerns around helping children of divorce and we are here to tell you that you CAN successfully co-parent through and after divorce, as well as benefit from supportive relationships with other family members, and we are here to help guide you through all the ups and downs!
Figuring out a co-parenting schedule can be tricky – come see some of the more common ones and how they might work for you. When divorcing with children, one of the most important decisions to be made is how the co-parenting schedule will be established. There are many options to consider, and there is no […]
Learn five simple things you can do for helping children cope with divorce and to feel more stable in this new circumstance. There is so much for children to process as their parents separate, and on top of that, often their schedule is being impacted. If you’ve both moved, they are adjusting to their new […]
Grab these seven useful back-to-school tips for divorcing moms and start the school year with less stress! The return to school can already often be a difficult transition, even more so when you’re going through a divorce. In that case, there are usually additional emotional, financial, and logistical factors adding to the stress. Today I […]
Learn more about divorce and child custody in Massachusetts from one of our Divorce Squad experts. There are a few things to know about divorce and child custody in Massachusetts and today’s expert Justin Banks is here to offer his insight on some of our state’s specific issues. Let’s learn more from Attorney Banks. In […]
Get six ideas for DIY gifts for ex husband for Father’s Day! For single moms and children whose parents are going through or have gone through a divorce, Father’s Day can be a challenging time. It can be difficult to know what gift to give or how to celebrate the day. Our ideas for DIY […]
Get some great tips for baking with little kids as a fun and inexpensive activity, perfect for divorced moms looking to stretch your budget! Baking can be a fun and inexpensive way to spend time together and today we are sharing some tips for baking with little kids that can keep the fun and reduce […]
Learn five easy tips to help lessen the impact of divorce on children. If you’re like me, one of the gnawing questions you ask is how to lessen the impact of divorce on children as you navigate the process and start this new life. We imagine all the ways in which our decisions will ruin […]
Get five helpful tips for managing Father’s Day after divorce to benefit you and the kids. If your children are blessed enough to have a father in their lives that wants to celebrate Father’s Day after divorce with them, then that is something in itself to be celebrated. Was your ex a terrible husband? Maybe. […]
Get six great tips for making kids going on vacation with Ex easier for all of you! Your kids going on vacation with your ex can feel hard, but that’s not your children’s burden to bear. They didn’t ask to be children of divorced parents, and they shouldn’t be made to feel guilty about any […]
Get three great tips for celebrating Mother’s Day as a divorced single mom! After divorce, Mother’s Day as a divorced single mom can feel different, but different doesn’t need to be bad. By setting proper expectations in your mind as to what the day is, you can avoid feeling disappointment and loneliness that may creep […]
Get our three tips to celebrate Easter with kids after divorce to keep it fun. Easter is one of the holidays that may be addressed in your divorce agreement with assigned time for each parent. You may have the day split, or you may rotate it year after year. Regardless of what your setup is, […]
How to tell your kids you’re getting a divorce may be one of the hardest things you’ll ever have to figure out. There’s no one right way for how to tell your kids you’re getting a divorce. It certainly has bigger implications than telling your friends and family, as it impacts the kids daily life, […]