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How To Figure Out a Co-Parenting Schedule

Figuring out a co-parenting schedule can be tricky – come see some of the more common ones and how they might work for you.

When divorcing with children, one of the most important decisions to be made is how the co-parenting schedule will be established. There are many options to consider, and there is no one right answer. Give consideration to how you think your children will handle the time frame of each, and also how you will manage the schedule to decide what is going to be the best for your family.

When I divorced, my children were 2, 4 and 7, so having very long periods of time away from me was not the right choice. We decided to do a 2-2-3 alternating schedule which looks like this:

2-2-3 Co-Parenting Schedule
Week 1
Monday – with Mom
Tuesday – with Mom
Wednesday – with Dad
Thursday – with Dad
Friday – with Mom
Saturday – with Mom
Sunday – with Mom

Week 2
Monday – with Dad
Tuesday – with Dad
Wednesday – with Mom
Thursday – with Mom
Friday – with Dad
Saturday – with Dad
Sunday – with Dad

If your children are older, you may consider doing longer periods of time. Some options for that type of time split could be a

3-4-4-3 Co-Parenting Schedule
Week 1
Sunday – with Mom
Monday – with Mom
Tuesday – with Mom
Wednesday – with Dad
Thursday – with Dad
Friday – with Dad
Saturday – with Dad

Week 2
Sunday – with Mom
Monday – with Mom
Tuesday – with Mom
Wednesday – with Mom
Thursday – with Dad
Friday – with Dad
Saturday – with Dad

OR another option is the

2-2-5-5 Schedule
Week 1
Sunday – with Dad
Monday – with Mom
Tuesday – with Mom
Wednesday – with Dad
Thursday – with Dad
Friday – with Mom
Saturday – with Mom

Week 2
Sunday – with Mom
Monday – with Mom
Tuesday – with Mom
Wednesday – with Dad
Thursday – with Dad
Friday – with Dad
Saturday – with Dad

Yet another option would be if one parent has the children during the week and the parents alternate the weekends.

Your custody situation may require a very different schedule than any of the above. There’s no “one size fits all” co-parenting schedule. Consider closely where the other parent lives, where your child goes to school and where their activities are to establish the schedule that will be most conducive to your child’s overall well-being.

Consult with an attorney or mediator to determine the best choice for a co-parenting schedule that can meet everyone’s needs.

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