Nothing requires a new vision like going through a divorce. And what better time to imagine that vision for yourself, than in the new year? And what more fun way to get clear on your vision than to use our vision board for single moms prompts?
While your previous vision for your life may have faded, at least in terms of who you’re spending the future with, it doesn’t mean that the individual dreams and goals you have for yourself have to fade away. As we enter into the new year, consider creating a vision board for yourself. This can be done either with magazines and a poster board, or if you love using technology check out Pinterest or Canva and create your vision board there.
Wondering how to start? Here are some vision board for single moms questions to get you thinking:
What does your dream house look like? If you feel that financially your dream house is too far of a stretch, then pick something attainable you can work towards this year. It could be an incredibly organized closet. Or a really fun painted bathroom. Maybe you want to have a little reading nook with a bookshelf, light and chair. Whatever space you envision yourself being happy in, make the creation of that space one of your goals.
What kinds of vacations do you want to take? Having trip to look forward to can be so fun! Maybe your dream trip will take a few years to save up for, that’s okay. Start thinking about it now.
How do you want to spend time with your friends? Are you hoping to start a book club? Want to get a group yoga class going? Hope to go out once a month for tacos and margaritas? Whatever it is, put it on your board and get it on your calendar!
What hobbies have you been interested in but haven’t yet tried? Or what hobbies of yours fell to the wayside during your marriage that you can bring back to center? Make space for those interests on your board, and figure out the best way to incorporate them in to your life.
Having a vision board to look over is a visual reminder for you of the life you want to live. Have fun with it! Start small and dream big! And if YOU have other ideas, questions or prompts for vision boards for single moms, send us a message – we can all learn from each other!
Get some tips on creating New Habits in the New Year!