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Post-Holiday Stress Management Tips

Grab some easy post-holiday stress management tips for single moms!

Exhale that holiday stress! You’ve made it to January and now that the hustle and bustle, the lights and presents are behind us it’s time to think about some post-holiday stress management! Although it can be such a magical time, the holidays are a time filled with expectations and demands – and stress. Here are five tips to move beyond the holiday stress and peacefully get back into your routine.

First, put away all of your holiday décor that is taking up space in your home. Un-decorating is never as fun as decorating, but getting your home back to “normal” will feel good and you’ll probably find your place to be a bit more spacious.

Second, send thank you notes. What a great way to remind yourself of what you have to be grateful for! Thank you notes are not just for presents. Anyone that made your holiday season brighter deserves a moment of gratitude, whether it be for the invitation to dinner or the help with your child’s ride to practice. The season gets so busy, we sometimes forget to notice small wonderful things in our lives, but it’s never to late to say thank you.

Third, take care of gift returns/exchanges. You thought the shopping was done but you still have to tie out a few loose ends. Find a time that the mall/stores won’t be packed, and you’ll find this task isn’t so bad.

Fourth, ditch the standard old resolutions. After a season filled with so much emotion, January may not be the best time to go on that strict diet. Instead, find something you can add into your day like drinking more water or reading for 15 minutes.

Fifth, relax! You need to catch your breath and do nothing. Watch a movie, take a bath, go to bed early, do whatever you feel will help you feel well and rested.

These post-holiday stress management tips are, as you can see, pretty basic. But that’s the idea – getting back to basics after wrapping up all the little loose ends from the holiday season can give you that fresh start feeling and then you can start looking forward to what you have planned next!

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