Back to school time can be really exciting for your kids AND you – and it can get really expensive if you aren’t careful. And this type of expense can come as a big hit to your wallet if you are newly single and still figuring out your financial situation. Just like everything else, though, back to school shopping on a budget is possible and can still be fun using some thoughtful strategies. Here are some tips to help you manage this with more ease and less expense.
1. Buy only the essentials. Review the school’s list of what is necessary. Rather than buying all sorts of nice-to-have items you may see while browsing the store, just buy items that are needed.
2. See what you already have in stock. You’d be surprised at what supplies are still good from the previous year that can continue to be used this year. The same goes for backpacks and lunchboxes.
3. Buy in bulk. If you have more than one child, buying a bigger package of a needed item and splitting it will save you money.
4. Shop around. As tempting as it might be to get it all in one spot, browse websites and sales flyers and look for what stores have things on sale and purchase accordingly.
5. Hit up your local dollar store! There are so many items that can be overpriced that you don’t need to dish out a lot of cash for. You will often find the same brands in the dollar store as in, say, Target and Walmart. This is a good place to get those things that your kids DO want new or that you want to give them as little treats.
6. Balance your school lunches. Buying lunches can add up. If there’s a certain day of the week that you want to mark as a buy day (i.e. Pizza on Fridays) then plan to send a packed lunch the other days. You can even fold lunch making into your meal prep plan and when the kids are on board, they are more likely to actually eat what you send!
7. Remember that your child does not need an entire new wardrobe to start school. A few new items will go a long away and before you know it, there will be a new season and another shopping trip so limit the clothes spending. Before doing the shopping, go through the closet and see what “school clothes” still fit. Then, when shopping for new items, look for things that go with what is already at home to stretch your budget even more while adding more fun options.
If you think this article is helpful, check out this back to school article.
Back to school is fun time for kids and should be a fun time for you! Keep it simple. Stick to the basics and keep our back to school shopping on a budget strategies in mind and you’ll save money and still get your kids what they need.