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Support During Divorce

Divorce Support

Are you looking for divorce support?

I know I needed lots of support and didn’t know where to begin. I certainly didn’t want to announce on social media I was getting a divorce and ask for recommendations. I dreaded telling family and friends. So who could I turn to for support early on?

My experience involved me combing the yellow pages, stumbling from one necessitated professional service to another. It was a very lonely journey and honestly a very scary one because I had no idea of what I was doing.

Every divorce is different of course, but mine required:

• A real estate agent to sell my marital house and another one to help me buy a new home
• A mortgage lender to obtain financing for my new home with a single income
• An insurance agent to insure my new home
• A financial advisor to assist with obtaining life insurance
• A CPA to help me navigate my new tax filing requirements
• A health and wellness professional to speak with about the stresses of divorcing
• An estate planner to map out the future
• A divorce attorney to represent the best interest of my family

The above professionals continue to support me years after my divorce was finalized, because our story doesn’t end with divorce. Divorce is just one chapter. I’m actually buying a new home right now, and am using the same real estate agent that helped me during my divorce. I still speak to a therapist to help manage the stress of being a single parent. Every financial or tax change will require the advisement of my financial advisor and CPA. The list goes on and on. Spend time connecting with those professionals that you can build trust with and a relationship to support you in your next chapters.

You can have a better experience than I did with more support. You can go to one place and find information on who you may need to work with, and how to get in contact with them. A place you can obtain this information in the privacy of your home.

Find a professional to support your divorce process here.

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