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Budget Friendly Fall Activities For Single Moms

Get some great ideas for budget friendly fall activities for single moms, dads and families.

The fall can be such a fun time to plan activities for the kids, but if not properly planned and budgeted for, can be sneakily expensive. By being mindful of your finances and what you can afford to spend, you can have fun without breaking the bank. We’ve put together a few budget friendly fall activities for single moms, dads and families of all types to enjoy the beautiful season.

Go Apple Picking with Another Family and Share the Apples. It’s really fun to fill up bag after bag of apples, but ultimately they may go to waste if you’ve bought more than you need. If you find another family to go with, you can agree to split the cost of the purchase and limit your spending and your take-home fruit.

Petting Zoos can be a very economical activity, even if you have to spend a little money on food to feed animals, it usually doesn’t get too pricey. Set the amount you will be spending ahead of time and stick to it.

Fall Baking. Don’t let those apples go to waste! Spend an afternoon baking apple crisp or apple pie. You likely have many of the ingredients already in your kitchen. Getting the kids involved makes them more likely to enjoy the “fruits” of their labor and can be a sneaky way to get them started helping with food prep! Here are some of our fun baking tips!

Create a Halloween Costume. Buying a costume at a Halloween store is a quick way to spend a lot of money on a poorly made item. Plan out ahead of time what the kids will be wearing, and seek out some inspiration on Pinterest. You can then hit up some thrift stores and pull something together at a much lower cost.

Buy Halloween Candy Right Before Halloween. There’s nothing worse than loading up on your favorite treats weeks before the holiday, to find yourself dipping into the goods yourself. Buy just enough to candy for the evening and save yourself some money and some cavities! Check out the dollar store for excellent deals!

Make Halloween Decorations. At-home decor is not only a great activity for your kids, but it’s good for the wallet. Pull together some materials and let the kids creativity flow. PRO TIP – this can be a great way to clean out the “craft closet” too!

Looking for other money-saving tips? Check out this article on spending and Feeling Guilty After Divorce.

Keep this list handy and add any other budget friendly fall activities for single moms or dads. Then when the kids are looking for something to do you will be ready with a fun idea!

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