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Accepting Help After Your Divorce

Learn how accepting help after a divorce helps YOU and those who want to help!

If you are someone for whom accepting help is hard to do, there are a few things you need to know that could change your mind set about this.

Feeling Overwhelmed?

Going through a divorce can be overwhelming for so many reasons. There could be changes to your housing situation, your finances have adjusted, and if you have children then you are additionally transitioning to a single parent household. All of these adjustments may cause a shift in your ability to feel grounded and balanced. Accepting help is not a sign of weakness but a way for you to regain your balance, reprioritize your to-do lists and give you the space to be able to feel empowered in what you are already managing.

Don’t try to be superhero!

If you have people in your life who are offering you help, do not hesitate for a moment to accept it. You may feel the need to prove yourself in some way by doing everything alone, but there doesn’t need to be a hero in divorce! Don’t try to be one! If someone offers you help with meals, say yes. If they offer help with childcare, say yes. People care about you and want to support you. Accepting help from family and friends gives YOU the chance to give THEM the chance to express their care for you – don’t deprive them of that opportunity!

Wondering who can help you?

If you do not have people in your life that can help, do not be afraid to search for new connections. There are many, many people walking through what you are walking through. These connections will help you not feel so isolated….and maybe, in some way, these new connections will help you. It takes a strong person to create new connections and to draw additional strength from these relationships.  If you don’t have family locally, try to find some other moms you can connect with that you can do trades with.  Maybe you can take turns driving kids to school/activities, or babysitting so the other can do the grocery shopping alone.  Get creative!

Looking for more tips?  Check out this article.

Accepting help is a sign of strength and allowing others to support you creates a win-win cycle for everyone!

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